Let’s start a movement!!!

be your ownI’m passionate about personal growth, I’m passionate about health, I’m passionate about LIFE!!  I have many passions but one that is near and dear to my heart is empowering women of all ages to find their purpose, live passionately, and honor the uniqueness in who they are and how they were created. I listen to the young girls struggle with body image, negative self talk, lacking confidence in who they are because something about them isn’t perceived as “perfect”.  Then I talk to their Moms who are struggling with aging, weight gain, feeling unattractive, etc.  I hear stories of women taking pills to be skinny and using injections to stay young…in essence they are dying from the inside out. Our society has programmed us to look a certain way and find value and beauty in their standard.

Why don’t we celebrate each other, celebrate our strengths and find the beauty that is unique to every woman?  What if we created a community of women that embraced each other for all our various gifts and talents, supported each other for the wisdom that comes with aging, the BEAUTY that is found in authenticity, in living a life of passion and purpose? Let’s create an authentic dialogue with each other that supports a healthy body image, empowers women of all ages to implement healthy habits, celebrates each other’s uniqueness and cultivate a community of empowered women who honor in themselves what truly makes them beautiful.

Are you in?

What I do, my passion…

tree_transI have been asked by many lately what it is that I do so I wanted to share with you my bio, I would love to assist you in creating the life you desire, to teach you how to properly nourish your body, to heal and balance yourself nutritionally. What I am passionate about is coaching people to create health in their body, mind and soul through the habits they implement every day. We create the health of our body through the nutrition we choose, the thoughts we think, our habits are the truth of what we value and what our beliefs are. If we value health and believe we can heal and create balance, then our choices align with this.

Live…Love…Be ALIVE!

I have over 20 years of extensive experience:
➢ Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Check Institute (since 2007)
➢ Three years hands on experience in Pharmacology
➢ 20 years of experience with drug interactions and hormonal balancing and healing
➢ Therapeutic nutrition guidance for clients with autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, MS, Thyroid disorders, Celiac Disease and Cancer
➢ Specialization in blood sugar regulation, hormonal balancing, digestive health, food allergies and intolerances
➢ Works with children and adults diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and Autism
➢ Works with athletes of all ages to enhance performance
➢ Reiki Practitioner
➢ Pre and Post natal health
➢ Specialization in Aromatherapy, using essential oils for organ and cell healing and support
➢ Specialization in Herb use for balancing the body and detoxification
➢ Specialization in Supplements to heal the body, balance hormones (PMS and Menopause), maintain and/or lose weight, balance the digestive system

This is who I am…..

IMG_6191This is who I am- I am a passionate being with an intense desire to help people connect to their God-given divine intuition, to intimately acquaint themselves with their body to make choices that are optimal for them, to nourish their mind, body and soul as none of these operates in isolation. I desire to help others understand that the quality of their nourishment does matter, that they can heal their body, that they can feel better regardless of their starting point. If you already feel “good”, let’s work on feeling “great!”, if you’re exhausted all the time let’s find out why, if you’ve manifested a dis-ease lets find ways to heal your body however that looks for you, if you are overweight, let’s get to the root issue. If you’re embarking on a new phase of life, ready to start a family, menopause, let’s find ways to make that transition smooth, optimal, enjoyable!  If implementing these changes are initiated by a cleanse, or by learning how to grocery shop or eat better, choosing to eat paleo, raw food, ketogenic, whatever the catalyst, this is my passion, and there is no one size fits all. It’s not about pushing products, supplements, essential oils, “my plan is the best plan”, “do what I say, I know what’s best for you”, it’s about supporting clients, friends, family, to find what works for them, what can be used as their catalyst, and creating an environment for rejuvenation from there. Yes, I believe in the products I support and their powerful benefits to the body, but I support them because they are in alignment with my purpose and passion. No matter what you choose to create health and well being, whatever your catalyst, I celebrate YOU because ultimately it’s about creating a community of people that are on their own unique journey and this will look different for everyone.  I am daily inspired by every person I cross paths with that takes a step towards maximizing their own potential! This is what I’m truly passionate about!

Tired Cleansing Girl, Day 5

health_3Well, today was my big “cleansing” day, I could tell immediately when I woke up that my body was hard at work cleansing and detoxifying!  I was a little more sluggish than usual to get moving but had another busy day of client appointments and kid activities so off to the races I went!  😉

I felt my body needed extra support this morning so I ate half an avocado with my morning aminos to assist with energy needed for daily activities and most importantly, cleansing my body.  I wasn’t hungry, I haven’t been hungry on this cleanse at all, so I ate this because I felt it was needed.  I know my body is cleansing and detoxifying, one of my cleansing symptoms has been extra mucus in my head which is a very normal cleansing reaction and one that I’m very familiar with, not enough to really notice except for the fact that I am hyper focused on how my body is responding through this process. I’m very connected to my body so I feel all these slight nuances.  If I wrote about every little thing I felt you would be bored to tears, maybe more so than you already are! ha!

What I love is that I’m still clear minded and have functional energy to be productive and present for my clients and family.  I definitely didn’t push myself more than what my body wanted to do but I love that I can feel tired without being exhausted and looking for a bed to crawl in!  YAY!   All in all another successful day!

I’m tired so I’m retiring early to honor my body’s request for rest. Good Night, Everyone!


Ladies, can you feel me…?

If I based my self confidence, my self worth, on the digits of the scale, I’m pretty sure I would need a steady dose of anti-depressants and standing appointments with my therapist.  Depending on the time of day, time of month, time of year, I would need anywhere from a mild dose to a heavy dose depending on how loud the voices were inside my head.  “You’re a little chunky these days!”  Or, “What are you eatibodyimageng???!! Looks like you need to make some adjustments.   Maybe you should detox…”  And on and on the internal  stories go.  I am no different from the beautiful clients I work with whose negative self talk is so evident, they are amazing mirrors for me to see the truth within myself.  This is a part of my current growth, how society has so warped what is beautiful and what is healthy in the female body.  It’s sad that we are so far removed from celebrating the curves, the amazing ability to carry another life, the femininity that we were created with.  Women are more critical of other women, in my experience, and judge based on the numbers on the scale, on how skinny you are perceived to be.  When I have conversations with my clients, I am having conversations with myself.  We are all uniquely and beautifully made and we each have a choice how we will express this in our bodies.  I have certainly come far from feeling the only thing I had control over was my body so starving it and denying it pleasure were my choices.  I’ve worked hard at creating my balance and continue to work on this within myself.  I’m thankful for these times of reflection that I can choose to create another internal dialogue, one that goes more like, “Thank you, body, for all you do for me!  Thank you for nurturing two lives and producing beautiful healthy children.  Thank you for your strength, for your softness, for your ability to energize me daily.  Thank you for responding to my healthy choices.  You are beautiful, created by God, wonderfully made!”.  I honor my body back with the choices I make that I feel creates health for me and encourage the same for my clients.  I envision a day, soon, that we as women embrace and love the bodies given us, honor ourselves by our speak, choices, and thoughts, and truly live into the unique and beautiful shapes that create the home we live in.

Do you know yourself intimately?

There’s no secret that we are a super stressed society.  Everywhere we turn there is some medical research and/or article written about the detrimental health effects of living like we’re always running from the tiger.  People read it, see it, understand it, and even agree that better stress management is good for them, but put nothing into practice.  Putting nothing into practice creates a life that creates you rather than you creating your life.

tree_transI often find myself advising my clients to incorporate rest and rejuvenation into their weekly practice rather than pushing themselves to their limits, explaining that if they don’t settle down and listen to their body, tune into what they are creating with their choices, dis-ease can and will manifest.  And this could be dis-ease of the mind, body or soul.  All those aches, pains, exhaustion, brain fog, upset tummy, depression, lack of passion, all this and more is the voice within telling you to “do something different”!  No matter what the form of activity or practice, if rest isn’t incorporated into our lifestyle then an imbalance is created and dis-ease sets in.

So how do you rest?  How do you create balance?  Do you practice daily meditation, even if for just 15 minutes?  Do you set aside time to get quiet and listen?  Are you eating foods that deeply nourish and support?  Do you listen to your body and flow with it, exercising appropriately to your needs? Are you so in tune you know what your body needs for physical, mental and emotional nourishment?  Do you know what makes your body thrive?  Do you know what your passions are? Getting quiet, resting, will look different for everyone as we are all in different phases of life, but those that are searching for a whole, balanced, thriving life must incorporate some rest into their routine for personal growth.  I speak even to myself  because with 4 kids and work, I can assure you spare time isn’t in abundance in my world!  I must make myself rest and rejuvenate, tuning into the wisdom within, and believe me, being still is something I’ve had to learn, it doesn’t come easy!  meditation-6I’ve come to learn that rest and rejuvenation is required for me so that I can give with the magnitude and intensity that I choose to live life with and give to those around me. Which reminds me, it’s my meditation time….

Health as a spiritual journey

No matter the catalyst that moves someone to action to create a healthier life (weight loss, more energy, healing from dis-ease), at some point their movement towards health becomes a spiritual journey….or perhaps it was all along and we just wake up to it.  It seems the more I study the perplexities of the human body and interact with clients, the more I realize that the journey to health is truly a spiritual one. There is an intimate correlation to how you feed your body with how you feed your mind and soul.  If you are focused on optimally supporting and nourishing the body, this will be your spiritual practice as well. I’ve experienced this in my own life, in my own health. As I continue to expand my understanding I’m always taken back to how the various energies, stresses, life experiences, create the quality of my health.  The journey looks unique to each of us but the truth remains that when we decide to create health in our body, release the toxins that have been stored which created a less than optimal life experience, this person is opened up to transformation on other levels as well.  At some point on the path to health, each of us is presented with the opportunity for spiritual expansion.  To the degree we choose to create whole health is to the degree that we choose to deeply nourish ourselves mind, body and soul.


From my 11 year old Daughter….

Fabulous Spring Day!

I hope this finds everyone loving the seasonal transitions and embracing the new growth that comes during this time of the year!

Today I thought I’d post 2 papers from an 11 year old perspective of health and exercise.  Yes, I know she’s my daughter so she obviously gets lots of education on these subjects! 🙂 But I always tell her it’s her choice how she is going to treat her body and what she is going to choose to make important.  I can only pray she continues to grow in this awareness as she herself grows and matures.  As she proudly announced to me one day this week, “Mom, I body brushed, took a cold shower, and rubbed down with coconut oil”, I think she’s on the right track!  🙂

From one proud Mommy…  ❤

In her words, nothing has been changed or altered.  🙂

By Emrie

Did you know that childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescence in the past 30 years?  Parents should give kids healthy foods to their children so their kids and family can have a healthy life.

ImageEven though kids think that healthy foods don’t taste good they are good for you.  Most kids say, “I like the way unhealthy foods taste” or “I should eat whatever I want to”.  Unfortunately kids don’t always know what’s best for their bodies and neither do many adults.

Medical research shows that unhealthy eating leads to many health risks.  Unhealthy foods can lead to diabetes, obesity, and other major illnesses.  You spend more time in the doctors office and miss school.  If we eat healthy foods they give us nutrients and energy.

Healthy foods enhance athletic performances and make us stronger.  For example, gymnasts perform better and ballerinas dance better and longer. If you want to be healthy, happy and look good, eat healthy!  The types of foods you put in your body will make a difference!  I challenge you to eat healthy and be healthy.

By Emrie

Do you want to get stronger and fit?  Who doesn’t?

Too many times I’ve heard my friends say, “Exercising takes to much time” or “exercising is hard work”.  Girls often complain about getting to sweaty.  I think getting stronger and fit does take time, work and sweat.  It’s worth doing these things because we get strong and healthy bodies.

Research on exercise shows that regular exercise helps build and maintain strong and healthy bones, muscles and joints.  Exercise also helps maintain body weight and helping you looking good.  You’re typically thin with big muscles.

Exercising can be fun if you and your friends exercise together.  As you are exercising you can make a great relationship with those you get healthy with.  If you are wanting to work hard, get sweaty and take some time to make a healthy body, I challenge you to exercise for 45 to 60 minutes every day so you can get strong.

From the mind of a beautiful, wise 11 year old girl.  ❤


Happy 2013!

Happy 2013!  I hope this finds everyone thriving, healthy and ready to create something great for 2013!

ImageIt’s difficult for me to find time to blog in the midst of running a business, taking care of my precious family and working with my amazing clients.  Even though I often “blog in my head”, it usually doesn’t make it to actualization.  🙂  Last week I desperately wanted to find the time to blog of my daughter’s recent science class where they were learning about the body, how it worked, and what nourished it.  My daughter quickly got in the car when I picked her up at the end of her day and told me with exasperated passion that her teacher had just told them to “eat ice cream for calcium and phosphorus”.  This was right before the class had a “digestion party” where some of the parents brought in foods to represent various organs and functions, which ended up being a smorgesboard of candy and Little Debbie snacks (Swiss rolls for small intestines….anyone????).

Experiences like this take me through the cycle of emotions.  Because I’m so passionate about what I do and hate to see innocent, misinformed people make decisions for their health that could end up being detrimental, I first become angry, then sad, then compassionate, then overwhelmed at the lack of understanding, then helpless, and I usually end with Imagecompassion and a call to action within myself to see how I can best respond. I am always staying open to learning and growing, yet I’m realizing that my generation and my children’s generation is gravely misinformed and creating legacies of diseases and ailments that didn’t even exist 50 years ago.  We not only are a society of unhealthy bodies, but also of unhealthy minds, unhealthy relationships,  unhealthy beliefs.  A diseased inside produces a diseased outside, there are no exceptions.  I see how my eleven year old and her friends are under pressure and stress that didn’t exist when I was a kid and I see how this affects their bodies and mind in their overall development and health. I talk to moms with children in these age groups and they see how their unhealthy habits are being passed down to the next generation. I often wonder what our grandchildren will take away from all the disease around them, what they will understand as health and wellness.

So as I continue to work on my goals for the year and how I’m going to grow my business, grow myself, I look at my mission statement and am reminded of my purpose. It is my gift and passion to educate, support and love all that I am blessed to cross paths with while  continuing to search for ways to reach more, to be better.  Not everyone is ready to hear, to truly listen, and mostly not ready to create change.  I am always inspired by those that actually step up and put forth the effort to create something different, something greater, something more powerful than what they are currently experiencing.  There is nothing more exciting to me than the moment my clients, or anyone for that matter, finally realizes that deciding to make a change, to take control of their health, really isn’t only about their health.  It’s about their life, their children, their family, their friends, their purpose, their passions.  It’s about creating experiences with intention, about understanding that when you choose to detox your body, you also have the opportunity to detox other areas of your life.  It’s about creating true health that includes every aspect of life; job, family, friendships, relationships, etc.

My prayer for each one of you reading this is that you choose to create health in your life, in Imageevery area.  I pray that you understand that loving yourself in this way is crucial because you cannot give what you yourself don’t have. I truly believe that eating healthy is a form of self-love while eating unhealthy is a unconscious form of sabotage due to lack of self-worth at the core. Love yourself enough to create health, you deserve it!!! And your children deserve it, your spouse deserves it, your grandchildren deserve it.  Choose to make a difference in your own life and watch how it powerfully impacts everything and everyone around you.

May your day be full of love, life and health! ❤