Do you know yourself intimately?

There’s no secret that we are a super stressed society.  Everywhere we turn there is some medical research and/or article written about the detrimental health effects of living like we’re always running from the tiger.  People read it, see it, understand it, and even agree that better stress management is good for them, but put nothing into practice.  Putting nothing into practice creates a life that creates you rather than you creating your life.

tree_transI often find myself advising my clients to incorporate rest and rejuvenation into their weekly practice rather than pushing themselves to their limits, explaining that if they don’t settle down and listen to their body, tune into what they are creating with their choices, dis-ease can and will manifest.  And this could be dis-ease of the mind, body or soul.  All those aches, pains, exhaustion, brain fog, upset tummy, depression, lack of passion, all this and more is the voice within telling you to “do something different”!  No matter what the form of activity or practice, if rest isn’t incorporated into our lifestyle then an imbalance is created and dis-ease sets in.

So how do you rest?  How do you create balance?  Do you practice daily meditation, even if for just 15 minutes?  Do you set aside time to get quiet and listen?  Are you eating foods that deeply nourish and support?  Do you listen to your body and flow with it, exercising appropriately to your needs? Are you so in tune you know what your body needs for physical, mental and emotional nourishment?  Do you know what makes your body thrive?  Do you know what your passions are? Getting quiet, resting, will look different for everyone as we are all in different phases of life, but those that are searching for a whole, balanced, thriving life must incorporate some rest into their routine for personal growth.  I speak even to myself  because with 4 kids and work, I can assure you spare time isn’t in abundance in my world!  I must make myself rest and rejuvenate, tuning into the wisdom within, and believe me, being still is something I’ve had to learn, it doesn’t come easy!  meditation-6I’ve come to learn that rest and rejuvenation is required for me so that I can give with the magnitude and intensity that I choose to live life with and give to those around me. Which reminds me, it’s my meditation time….