This is who I am…..

IMG_6191This is who I am- I am a passionate being with an intense desire to help people connect to their God-given divine intuition, to intimately acquaint themselves with their body to make choices that are optimal for them, to nourish their mind, body and soul as none of these operates in isolation. I desire to help others understand that the quality of their nourishment does matter, that they can heal their body, that they can feel better regardless of their starting point. If you already feel “good”, let’s work on feeling “great!”, if you’re exhausted all the time let’s find out why, if you’ve manifested a dis-ease lets find ways to heal your body however that looks for you, if you are overweight, let’s get to the root issue. If you’re embarking on a new phase of life, ready to start a family, menopause, let’s find ways to make that transition smooth, optimal, enjoyable!  If implementing these changes are initiated by a cleanse, or by learning how to grocery shop or eat better, choosing to eat paleo, raw food, ketogenic, whatever the catalyst, this is my passion, and there is no one size fits all. It’s not about pushing products, supplements, essential oils, “my plan is the best plan”, “do what I say, I know what’s best for you”, it’s about supporting clients, friends, family, to find what works for them, what can be used as their catalyst, and creating an environment for rejuvenation from there. Yes, I believe in the products I support and their powerful benefits to the body, but I support them because they are in alignment with my purpose and passion. No matter what you choose to create health and well being, whatever your catalyst, I celebrate YOU because ultimately it’s about creating a community of people that are on their own unique journey and this will look different for everyone.  I am daily inspired by every person I cross paths with that takes a step towards maximizing their own potential! This is what I’m truly passionate about!

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  1. Trackback: This is who I am….. | Transformational Health
  2. Trackback: My own TRANSFORMATION! | Transformational Health
  3. Trackback: What I do, my passion… | Transformational Health
  4. Trackback: Moms, can we talk? | Transformational Health

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