Will 2015 look that same as 2014?

IMG_6745It’s the new year and I think we are all blasted with emails, articles, and publications giving us options, opinions and ideas of how to get healthyskinny‬‪, lose weight, eat this- not this, ‬do this exercise, 8 min abs, 10 minute slim down, etc. But who is teaching you to listen to your own body’s voice? Who is coaching you through the uniqueness of your lifestyle and showing you how to create a healthy balance for YOU? How are you learning to listen to your own body and determine what your body is saying? What remains absolute with every client, friend, family member I talk to is that everyone is unique. Their environment, stress level, assimilation of food, toxicity, sleep patterns, etc. is always specific to each individual and creating health is also extremely individual.

January is always a busy month for me as everyone is ready to start their year off doing something healthy. I love all the conversations and inquisitions this desire sparks, I love when people truly desire to make change and are willing to put in the work to do so, unfortunately not many follow through. One thing that has been absolute in my own research and experience of working with clients is there is no one size fits all diet or health plan and my passion is motivating people to create a LIFESTYLE which takes determination, commitment, perseverance and focus, to say the least! What works for one will not work for another and research shows 80% of those that lose weight dieting “find” that weight and more within a year. Forbes just came out with the statistics for weight loss resolutions sDieting-vs.-Cleansing1aying only 8% follow through and attain their new year’s goal. Until you change your ‪lifestyle‬ and implement ‪habits‬ that create YOUR BALANCE, YOUR HEALTH, learn YOUR BODY, then success won’t be sustained. It’s not only about weight loss, it’s about creating ‪healthy HABITS‬ for yourself and your family, setting an example and inspiring those around you, being able to make it through the day with energy and emotional stability, leaving a legacy…it’s about so much more. A lifestyle is very individual and learning about yourself and your environment is what allows you to create the ‪mind‬, ‪body‬ and ‪‎soul‬ you desire.

If I can support you in learning your own body’s voice, helping you create a healthy lifestyle, then contact me, I’d love to assist you on your journey!

Live…Love…Be ALIVE!

INSTAGRAM: Transformationalhealthllc
Google+: Transformational Health LLC

Let’s create a community of HEALTH!

be betterI always get crazy excited when I think of the potential and possibility of creating communities of HEALTH! When I focus on promoting a cleanse I want everyone to know it’s so much bigger than just losing weight, resetting the metabolism, resting and rejuvenating your organs. It’s what happens in those quiet places within, it’s what conversations are sparked through the experience. What if daughters and Moms did this together? Couples choosing to support each other through this TRANSFORMATION? Families supporting one another to get HEALTHY!!?? LET’S START A MOVEMENT OF HEALTH!!!!

So you know about me, I’m a CHEK Practitioner and Holistic Lifestyle Coach. I’ve been helping people create health for about 16 years. I help people that have health challenges such as digestive, parasites, fungal and bacterial issues, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disease and many other ailments.
This company that I work with offers GMO Free, clean, organic superfood supplements and their products are free from chemicals, soy, no added sugars/sweeteners etc and free from fillers binders, excipients and all other nasty additives that wreak havoc with the internal/external health. I love that these products are in line with my core values and my high ethics.

jim-rohn-quotes-sayings-care-your-body-healthLet’s create a health movement, let’s feed our body ALIVE foods that our body can utilize and maximize.  Let’s fill our body’s full of nutrients that every cell in our body awakens to! I offer my expertise and coaching throughout the TRANSFORMATION, I’d love to support you towards HEALTH!

Ordering info:
Click: Redeem Gift Card
Enter code: “AshleyBrooke” for $50 off final purchase

If you have any questions, please let me know!


10 Day Transformation Cleanse (there’s also a Gluten-free version)
I did this and had an amazing experience! 

  • Rest your digestion
  • Control cravings
  • Reset metabolism to break the processed food culture
  • Increase energy
  • Stop brain fog (increase mental clarity)
  • Address & ease health issues
  • Motivation to start eating healthier
  • Prepare the body to accept better quality foods
  • Improve gut function
  • Lose 5 to 20 pounds – the brilliant side effect!

10 Day Transformation Athletic Cleanse
This cleanse allows food based on your activity level.  This cleanse is for those that want to continue to work out, train for an event, continue their cross fit/ boot camp classes, etc.

  • Build Lean Muscle
  • Create sustained energy
  • Get fit faster
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Reduce soreness
  • Reduce damage




What are you creating?

transform livesThe result of any nutritional lifestyle program I offer is really dependent on the person and their pursuit of health, of becoming more. For some, the process is simply accountability to focus more on their body, their health, for others it’s an awakening. To the degree we allow ourselves to transform, to grown, to learn, to evolve, is to the degree any intentional act can become a catalyst for metamorphosis. We are all on our path, every choice we make in life matters. It’s all up to you what you create and your habits allow you to maximize your potential, to attract greatness…or not. To the degree your choices are in alignment with what is best for you is to the degree your potential, purpose, passions expand.
We create our life with our choices and the truth of your choices are evident in your habits, body, health, relationships, etc. Your life tells a story without your mouth ever opening. What are you creating?

A month after my 10 Day Transformational Cleanse…

Lots of people have been asking me for a follow up of the 10 day cleanse that I completed a month ago, so here it is in no particular order.

IMG_61951. My body went back to my late 20s body and has stayed there (lean mass, weight, fat percentage).  Whatever rut I was in (aging, hormonal, out of balance eating) had put some extra fluff on my body that wasn’t budging.  Now, before those that know me say I’m crazier than we already know I am, being as connected to my body as I am can be a blessing and a curse so I feel every shift in my body.  So when I had the extra 5 or 6 pounds that wasn’t going anywhere I felt very uncomfortable in my skin, very out of balance.  I was eating my typical healthy foods but like I tell everyone, if you eat the wrong foods for the phase of life you are in, or out of balance in general, it will eventually show up (in health, weight, hormones, etc).  I have only gained back 1 pound of the weight I lost on the cleanse.

2. I feel so much more balanced in my body!  I feel back in a groove with my eating, my hormones are balanced and it’s much easier to maintain this balance.  I am having amazing workouts, feel very strong and powerful and the aminos are giving me more bang for my buck!

3. It definitely changed my cravings and overall food desires/ratios.  I crave my superfood/ super green drinks every day and feel the difference when I don’t have that burst of alive foods in my body.  I love how sharp my mind is, how focused, energized and creative I continue to be and how I feel optimally supported overall by my food choices.

4. It made me fall deeper in love with the aminos!  WOW I love those pills!!  😉 I was feeling like it was getting much harder for me to maintain my muscle definition as I aged even though my workouts were very intense and varied.  Now my body looks like it did in my late 20s, just with better muscle maturity due to my lifestyle.  I’m bulky by NO means, just lean with definition.  The aminos do SO MUCH MORE than help to maintain weight, they also balance blood sugar, help with brain function, energize and build stamina.  I would highly recommend listening to this from the doctor that created the tablets.  I think almost all of my clients are on these (as a supplement) and loving their results as well:

Click to Listen: http://www.audioacrobat.com/play/WTPQvYQ7

Click to Download: http://audio007.audioacrobat.com/download/audioacrobat-8675-u-1727214-s-4.audio.mp3

5. It has made me gravitate towards lighter foods and very focused on how my body feels during and after my meals and snacks. I eat less and stop when I’m full instead of mindlessly eating as I hurry throughout the day.

IMG_5576I continue to love how this experience changed my body and mind, how it continues to transform my lifestyle and make me healthier (yes, I can always be healthier!!).  I still drink the Power Shake and/or LOVE Supermeal every day, I take 5 to 10 aminos a day depending on what I’m doing and what I have time to eat.  Sometimes my breakfast and snacks consist of the shakes along with the aminos if my day is packed, I’m always focused and energized and able to maintain my busy schedule with these nutrients alone.  I have implemented my “day of fasting” back into my weekly routine, which I’ve done on an off for 2 decades.  I take a day off every week and just drink my shakes and take my pills and I usually look forward to that day because I LOVE how it makes me feel.

I’m getting amazing feedback from others reclaiming their health.  The stories are so inspiring, stop by and read some and let me know when you’re interested in trying this transformation yourself.  I’ll actually be doing an athletic cleanse next, probably in a month or so and I can’t wait!!


Live…Love…be ALIVE!



My TRANSFORMATION was a catalyst for growth…

This was my facebook post today:

I think one of my biggest personal challenges is trying to find the balance between my passion for people’s health and creating the environment for them to be responsible for the choices that they make. Sometimes I wonder if my passion is misunderstood or taken the wrong way… But then I realize that this is my issue and not someone else’s. Sometimes I want so desperately for clients or friends to see what their choices are creating, to help them heal their body or make healthy choices in general, but then I must understand that they’re not ready for this and it’s not my responsibility to make them healthy… Which could never happen anyway, The choice must be theirs. To be passionately excited and inspired by those that create health in their life can also have a dark side. I am learning to trust the true intention of my heart is seen by those that desire to see it, and not take personally the choices and projections of others. I live to inspire not by coercion but by the magnetic pull of living passionately, by creating environments for others to maximize their potential and purpose however that looks for them. This is my work and I take full responsibility for my creation…but not yours. 

I love how life gives us many opportunities to continue personal growth and transformation once we’ve set it in motion.  Just because my catalyst was a 10 day cleanse doesn’t mean this wasn’t connected to other areas of emotional, mental and spiritual growth.  I think blogging of my 10 day journey was pretty clear on the experience being spiritual for me.  As the transformation continues I’m being given the opportunity to create space and environments for people to choose their own path in life and not taking personally when they choose dis-ease over health, fat over fit and healthy, tired over vibrant, sleepless over restful, moody over stable.  My passion is so strong, my beliefs so powerful in how I feel about holistic, total, WHOLE, health that when clients, friends, family, kids, choose to abuse or neglect their body and then complain about the results, I desperately want to “fix it”.  I want to yell, “I have the remedy, I know what you need, let me help you!!”, when in fact it’s their journey not mine, and not my burden to carry.  We all have choice, our choices create our reality, and we are always given the power to choose something different if what we are creating isn’t working for us.
the-four-agreementsSo my work, what I take responsibility for, is continuing to focus on my own personal growth and making sure my choices are in alignment with who I am, with what I’m about, and allowing those around me to do the same.  It can be a blessing and curse to want true health and wellbeing so badly for people, I would be one to do grocery shopping and dinner planning for everyone if I could.  I would put everyone on a cleanse so matter what their diet looks like to reboot and rejuvenate their body because we are all bombarded with toxins every day no matter how clean we eat.  I would passionately talk to children about how precious their body’s are, how it’s truly the Temple of God, and how what they put in it matters because one day these children will be adults wanting to maximize their potential and leave a legacy worth leaving, and this can’t be done sick, exhausted, stressed and strung out.
So for today, my personal growth is not to take things personally, not to take on what isn’t mine, live authentically and trust the rest to fall into place.

Live…Love…Be ALIVE!

Follow up to my 10 day cleanse….

transform livesIt’s Wednesday afternoon and I officially finished my last Power Shake Sunday at 6:30pm. I found myself Monday listening to my body to see how it would respond, if it would become ravenous for foods I don’t normally eat (like french fries- gasp!) or if I was just going to devour everything in my pantry due to 10 days of lack, and neither happened, I really wasn’t hungry at all.  I think in a previous post I talked about having an intimate connection with my body being a blessing and a curse and this is another one of those situations.  I know my body has been transitioning lately, even before the cleanse, and I was using the cleanse to reconnect with my body and really pay attention to what my body needs for optimal nourishment, to maximize my physical, mental and emotional needs at this time in my life.  As I come out of the cleanse I find that I’m catching myself going toward my habitual routines which is now causing pause and allowing me to assess the situation to see if I’m choosing something out of habit, what my thoughts are around the situation, and where I need to relax and allow in order to evolve and grow.  What does this mean?  It means that my thoughts and emotions were all over the place, from “get me some food, I need to eat” to “I need a salad to maintain my results” to “I need more protein to maintain my results” to “I miss cleansing”. “What if I get fat?”, “what if I get to skinny”, “what does it matter if I’m to fat/ to skinny”…. Read these again and you might think I’m schizophrenic, but I think if we all paid attention to our thoughts they are very similar.  For me, I try to converse with the “voices” or “thoughts” that are in alignment with who I am, my personal mission statement, and what I am looking to create rather than the many disempowering, frantic, disorganized, uncaring and unkind thoughts/ voices that like to push their way through and get noticed and fed.  The battle is always in the mind.  A great friend in the most beautifully perfect timing sent me a reminder today saying, “…you win in the mind first and then you win in life.”

So I’m learning, and I really really love to learn!  I love to learn about myself because it helps me be better, it helps me become more sensitive and awaree3fd5b38f1ac8dd29ffeb8b9cdcc9f5b of my surroundings, my environments, of others.  It allows me to maximize my ability to  assist and support others on their journey to creating the life they desire.  Health and nutrition is what I was put on earth to use to leave my legacy, my conduit to personal growth and evolution, my way to support, encourage and create environments for others to maximize their potential, to leave a mark on the universe no matter how small.  All I know is I’m enjoying the ride!

Oh, the beautiful (internal) conversation that can be sparked from a 10 day cleanse

Live…Love…Be ALIVE!

My amazing 10 day journey, Day 10, Grand Finale!!!

happinessWell, I did it!  With passion, purpose and intention I completed the 10 day transformational cleanse! I found the process to be spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental, everything I’ve been blogging about since the first day.  I’m excited for my accomplishment and deeply thankful for the experience.  I would do this again in a heartbeat!

I’m curious how my body will adjust as I start integrating food back into my routine.  My mind wants a steak but my body has zero desire, I’m still not hungry! ha!  I’ll ease back into eating as I eased into the cleanse, I’ll let my body tell me what it wants.  With the same ease and grace that I allowed this process to flow is the same ease and grace I will find a new rhythm, continuing my new connection to my body and mind and allowing the growth that I’ve put in place to evolve and unfold.

So let’s talk strictly physical for a moment.  I’ve put my emphasis and focus on the mental and spiritual aspect of the cleanse because this was my personal purpose in completing this.  But for those curious of my results, here they are….  I lost a total of 6.6 pounds which is a lot for me, I’m not a big person to begin with.  Don’t get me wrong, I definitely had more “fluff” than usual due to my fun travels this Summer but still nothing out of my normal healthy range.  So I went from 126.6 to 120.o when I weighed this morning (I’m 5’5″).  I lost 1 inch in my waist, 1.5 inches in my hips, 2 inches in my bust, and 1 inch in my thighs. Maybe I was carrying more fluff than I realized!  ha!  Either way, my body clearly shifted during this 10 days! My eyes are so clear, my skin looks amazing, and what I’m personally excited about- my eyelashes grew!!  So silly and small, I know (I’m human!), but it always bugged me my lashes were so short, I had no idea I was going to get longer eyelashes from this but I did!! YAY! Thank you aminos!!!  😉

It’s 9am on day 11 and I’m still not hungry so I’m drinking the Purium L.O.V.E supermeal shake and taking my aminos.  I’ve beentree_trans
taking the aminos and drinking L.O.V.E for about 7 months so that will continue to be my routine.  My usual routine is L.O.V.E in the morning with my aminos along with Reviv-It-All and Bee Energetic which is a great energetic start for me since I’m usually hitting the ground running first thing in morning.  With a job and 4 kids to take care I’m a busy girl!

If you’re ever considering a cleanse, a total body reset, a deep spiritual practice, a mind-body rejuvenation, I’d love to support you on your journey.  My passion is to assist and support people on their journey to health and wholeness, however that looks for them. I am inspired every day by the men and women that choose to create a thriving, healthy, vibrant, passionate life!

Live…Love…Be ALIVE!

Reflection, Cleanse Day 7

deeplyI find it so interesting what this cleanse has done for me, how my mind has expanded through this process.   I have always felt that cleansing, fasting, wasn’t really about “not eating”, it’s much more about the quieting of the mind and observation of the constant chatter in the head, it’s about allowing the body to process and release toxins wether physical or emotional, or both, and really allowing the process to renew both mind and body. Sometimes, quite often, I look for the monumental shifts, the big breakthroughs in my personal growth, instead of paying attention to all the small ones.  This week has been a series of small ones and for this I am deeply grateful.  I have realized that there are many thoughts that I no longer need to hold on to, so I let them go.  This cleanse has really been a soulful healing in “releasing”, a deep cleanse of my heart and soul that longs for a depth of living and loving that can only be truly accessed with my whole being.  I desire to live passionately with great purpose and the constant renewal of myself- mind, body and soul- is required for this.  So many shifts are happening in my life, in my business, in how I view the world and how the world views me.  I’m excited about the amazing possibilities before me and the limitless opportunities to become what I was created to become. Life is to short to not live every moment passionately!

All this from a cleanse?  Yes.  This was my intention all along, this is why I cleanse.  I know when my body is cleansed, my mind is cleansed and I’m able to access life from the depths.  If I don’t take care of my temple then how can it be used as a vessel to leave a legacy, to make a difference? Constant evolving and transforming is my becoming, this is what I was created for.

So….It was another great day, my energy was high, I was able to workout, be very productive and creative in my business and maximize my day.  My workout was energizing and renewing, I didn’t push myself or try to break any plive-your-life-the-fullest-quotes-118774ersonal strength records. I’m still not hungry but I ate half an avocado twice today because I like how incorporating the foods keep things “moving” in my intestines.  🙂 I’m sleeping great and waking refreshed, I could get addicted to this whole process, the cleansing, personal growth, challenging the mind, the forcing to be present….I love it all!

Only 3 more days to go….I’m not anticipating the end and dying for this to be over.  What I miss the most is my husbands cooking but taking this break has been amazing.  This might just become my seasonal cleansing ritual….

Live…Love…Be ALIVE!


Yahoo! Successful, Day 6

57-Success-Quotes-to-Inspire-49Today was another great day!  I woke up a little later than previous mornings and allowed my body to rest and rejuvenate since I was so tired yesterday.  I knew my body was needing more rest so I went to bed early last night and thankfully my appointments for the day allowed me a few extra minutes in bed this morning.

My morning was busy working and I had great energy and focus to do what I needed to do. I spent the afternoon with my kids, being very intentional about my time with them since they are leaving for a 12 day trip with their dad tomorrow morning.  We went to the park in our neighborhood and just had a great time being together.  I ran/ sprinted on the way back because we almost got caught in a torrential down pour!  Thankfully I had the energy for this because I was “bookin it”!!! HA!  I definitely count this as my cardio exercise for the day!  🙂

I’m still having some sinus drainage and pressure from the cleanse but nothing that is overly noticeable.  I’m sleeping great, have great focus and my emotions are stable.  I’m down about 4 pounds but weight loss is not my goal, I’m very happy that I’m still maintaining my muscle and only losing excess fat!  All in all, another successful day!



Tired Cleansing Girl, Day 5

health_3Well, today was my big “cleansing” day, I could tell immediately when I woke up that my body was hard at work cleansing and detoxifying!  I was a little more sluggish than usual to get moving but had another busy day of client appointments and kid activities so off to the races I went!  😉

I felt my body needed extra support this morning so I ate half an avocado with my morning aminos to assist with energy needed for daily activities and most importantly, cleansing my body.  I wasn’t hungry, I haven’t been hungry on this cleanse at all, so I ate this because I felt it was needed.  I know my body is cleansing and detoxifying, one of my cleansing symptoms has been extra mucus in my head which is a very normal cleansing reaction and one that I’m very familiar with, not enough to really notice except for the fact that I am hyper focused on how my body is responding through this process. I’m very connected to my body so I feel all these slight nuances.  If I wrote about every little thing I felt you would be bored to tears, maybe more so than you already are! ha!

What I love is that I’m still clear minded and have functional energy to be productive and present for my clients and family.  I definitely didn’t push myself more than what my body wanted to do but I love that I can feel tired without being exhausted and looking for a bed to crawl in!  YAY!   All in all another successful day!

I’m tired so I’m retiring early to honor my body’s request for rest. Good Night, Everyone!


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