The TRANSFORMATION continues….

I’m 11 days removed from the Transformation-in-text-webpage-711x200.jpgend of my cleanse and I feel the impact and shift in my being is still as powerful as when I was going through it, I have truly allowed this process to transform me to shift my BEing.  I continue to find myself very conscious and mindful of my hunger, my choices, my thoughts, my connection to my body and mind is very strong, sensitive, palpitable.  And what I love most is this experience, for me, has been transformational in the small, moment to moment daily grind.  I didn’t release a ton of weight, I didn’t have much to release, (I don’t say lose weight, one tends to find what was once lost), although 6.6 pounds on my frame was a lot!  But what I did release was mindless and bored eating and regimented, subconscious programming that put me in a rut not creating the space for me to flow with life and transition through this phase I’m currently in.  I released an idea of what my body “should” look like at 39, which is certainly not what it looked like at 25 or even 30.  I am allowing this process to reacquaint me with who and what I am now.  I have certainly been addicted to controlling my weight and body through the years, there was a time (years!) when I obsessed about maintaining 12% body fat,  measuring myself multiple times a month, eating so rigidly and regimentally that food became more of a means to an end, something to control, rather than something to enjoy.  I’ve worked very hard to balance this over the last 8 years but still a work in progress.   I have always been “healthy” but very out of balance at times to the point of creating dis-ease in my body.  My mom always said too much of a good thing isn’t always a good thing….

IMG_2020So here I am, reinventing myself as I’m getting very intentional about doing in my “old age“.  I’m asking myself where I am now, where I want to be moving forward, if I’m creating a powerful legacy, am I living passionately….? I’m asking myself if I’m spending my time and energy on things with permanent value, like my family, myself, my friendships, my legacy…?  For me, life is to short to be redundant, habitual, rigid, stagnant.  I want to dance, learn, grow, evolve, shift, renew, rejuvenate!  How awesome that a 10 day cleanse was just the catalyst I needed.

Live…Love…Be ALIVE!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: The TRANSFORMATION continues…. | Transformational Health
  2. Jan Holland
    Aug 07, 2014 @ 17:29:32

    I love you….and I love your passion.You make me proud.I am, too, learning to do what lights me up. I’m reacquainting myself with my half brother, Chris and his wife and family. Had a great time together last Sunday.I’m also painting and even teaching art at a Paint 4 Play in the area. I want you and Emrie to come paint with me one Sunday or Friday night. And I’m volunteering my time on Fridays to help at Must Ministries in Canton. All of that along with my continued interest in health and nutrition has filled my cup up. But, like you said… is too short to not live out what you love…..or something like that. Hope you and Brett are doing well. We need to get together soon. Love you,Mom Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 20:40:42 +0000 To:



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